Is Fad Really Fabulous

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a fad is a practice or interest followed for a time with exaggerated zeal. Since diets come and go and are often followed for a short period of time with lots of enthusiasm, I would say most are fads. You could argue that some fads are good, but if it was really that great why didn't it become part of our culture? Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between a fad diet and a lifestyle change. Take vegetarianism, for example, if you decided to become a vegetarian and consult with RD to ensure you are getting all the nutrients your body needs, this a lifestyle change not a fad diet.

Here the signs of a fad diet:
Sounds Too Good To Be True
There is no magic formula or product so don’t be fooled into thinking there is.

Sketchy, Scientific Proof To Support The Claims Of The Diet
If a claim can't be substantiated, should you really put your health on the line?

Stresses Ease
Change is never easy. How can limiting food, not moving and not enjoying eating be easy?

Promises Rapid Weight Loss
Anything more that 1-2 pounds/week means you are most likely losing muscle. Muscle tissue is metabolically active so less muscle means slow metabolism.

Limited Food Choices
How does only eating 4 or 5 foods make you healthy and happy? Restriction leads to bingeing and disordered eating.

Excludes Entire Food Groups
All foods can and should be part of your eating plan, and it's important to include all food groups so you're getting the nutrients you need.

Incorporates A Product That You Have To Purchase As Part Of The Diet
The only thing you should be buying is real food.
Rigid Menus And Eating Times
Life is complicated enough, do you really need to add more to it by having to worry about making sure you have the right food at exactly the right time?

Lack Of An Exercise Component
Finding something that gets you moving is essential for a healthy lifestyle. If a diet restricts exercise, it might be too low in calories for your body handle moving.

You might be wondering what the harm is in trying the latest fad. Well, besides for making you really moody, it can deprive your body of essential nutrients, weaken your immune system, increase your risk of dehydration, cause heart palpitations, and even lead to an increase chance of having a heart attack. And don't forget about the weight you will most likely gain due to the slow down in your metabolism. Why would you do that to your body when all you have to do is listen to it and eat intuitively? A healthy relationship with food and your body is the best predictor of good health and a happy life.