Treat Your Body Like Your Dream Car

What would you do if you had your dream car? Would you make sure to fuel it well? Drive it well? Maybe give it a little TLC? Our bodies are very similar to cars; it gets us from point A to point B, we have to fuel it for it to run properly, listen to it make any fine-tune adjustments, give it enough rest, and make sure the software is running properly. Let’s dive in deeper!

Fueling to run properly
Have you ever run out of gas? In your car, or even in you, yourself? It’s not fun and it doesn’t feel good. Similar to cars, we don’t need a full tank at all times of the day, nor do we need the premium fuel 24/7, and each car has different gas mileage. The key is to make sure that we are able to refuel when the gas in our tank is being used up. Don’t run on empty! Give your body the fuel that it deserves.

Fine-tune adjustments
No matter what the make or model of the vehicle, each one requires some fine-tune adjustments whether that be an oil change, filling up your tires, getting a car wash, or replacing a burnt-out taillight. We should listen and pay attention to our bodies and recognize when it needs a fine-tune adjustment. Be sure to respect your body and know when it needs a visit to the doctor, ensure it’s getting enough rest, and listen to your hunger cues to know when it needs something sweet, salty, crunchy, or nourishing! Maybe even schedule a massage for full rejuvenation! 

What happens when the software of your vehicle is telling it negative messages? How will the car run? Our software is represented as the messages our brain tells our body that help it run in the most optimal way. Speak to your body in positive terms. Let it know that you respect it for getting you to where you are now. When we have a positive software system, our engines will want to run much more smoothly.

Every car is different - Refrain from judgement
Make, model, year, color, interior; every car is different. But the biggest difference in each vehicle is the person driving it! Even the newest, shiniest vehicle cannot drive itself (even though technology is getting there, but that is beside the point). The point is that the looks of the vehicle is not reflective on how well it can drive; it is up to the one in the driver’s seat; YOU! The speed to which we move may vary, the gas mileage may differ, but that is where we must respect the uniqueness of each vehicle and each body.

Exercise moderately
If we let our vehicles sit in the garage for too long, it starts to build up some dust, the engine doesn’t purr like it used to, and the oil inside starts to lose its touch. Just like a car, we want to ensure that we move the blood in our bodies every once in awhile! Show your body how much you respect it, and let it show you what it is capable of by finding activities that you enjoy that keep the blood moving and keep you moving! Try getting at least 3 days of at least 30 minutes of activity in a week.

On the other side of the spectrum, if we run a car for too long, the engine begins to burn out. It is important to find the balance between movement and rest. Listen to your body and acknowledge when it needs a break. Most college students are trying to balance class work, school, internships, social life, physical activity, sleep, networking, finances, and traveling. Students have a lot on their plate! If you feel like your engine is overheated, give your mind and your body a break by participating in relaxation techniques.